How to Subtract Decimals in 5 Easy Steps
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Key Points for Subtracting Decimals
- Subtracting decimals involves lining up the decimal points and adding zeros to ensure that the numbers have the same length.
- The process of subtracting decimals can be used in many real-world situations, such as measuring lengths, weights, volumes, temperatures, or time.
- With practice, anyone can master the skill of subtracting decimals.
The Easy Method for Subtracting Decimals
Subtracting decimals is an essential skill in mathematics that is used in many real-world situations, such as measuring lengths, weights, volumes, temperatures, or time. It involves subtracting two or more decimal numbers and getting an accurate result. The process of subtracting decimals may seem difficult at first, but with practice, anyone can master it.
When subtracting decimals, it is important to line up the decimal points and add zeros to ensure that the numbers have the same length. After that, subtract the numbers as you would with whole numbers, remembering to place the decimal point in the answer. There are different methods for subtracting decimals, depending on the numbers involved, but the basic steps remain the same.
Subtracting Decimals is the process of subtracting two numbers that are decimals from each other. When Subtracting Decimals you will put one number above the other number. When you do this, you must make sure the decimal in each number is lined up vertically. You need to add a zero to any blank space that does not have a number so that both decimals are the same length. The last step for finding how to subtract decimals is to subtract the decimals together through column subtraction. Be sure to borrow from the number in the bigger place value when you are subtracting from a smaller number. Make sure that the decimal gets moved down in the same spot as it was lined up in.
Common Core Standard: 6.NS.3
Related Topics: Adding Decimals, Multiplying Decimals, Dividing Decimals, Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple
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Subtracting Decimals From Decimals
Subtracting decimals from decimals is a fundamental arithmetic operation that is used in everyday life. It is essential to know how to subtract decimals to solve real-world problems, such as calculating change, measuring distances, and determining the amount of ingredients needed for a recipe.
To subtract decimals, the first step is to line up the decimal points. This makes it easier to keep track of the place value of each digit. Then, subtract the digits in each column, starting from the rightmost column. If the digit in the top number is smaller than the digit in the bottom number, borrow from the digit to the left.
For example, to subtract 3.45 from 7.89, line up the decimal points and subtract the digits in each column:
- 3.45
In this example, there is no need to borrow because the digit in the top number is larger than the digit in the bottom number in each column.
Another example is subtracting 0.25 from 1.50:
- 0.25
In this example, it is necessary to borrow from the digit to the left of the decimal point because 0 is smaller than 5. The 5 becomes 4, and the 1 becomes 11. Then, subtract the digits in each column:
- 0.25
Therefore, the answer is 1.25.
It is important to note that when subtracting decimals, it is crucial to keep track of the decimal point. The decimal point in the answer should be directly below the decimal point in the numbers being subtracted.
Subtracting Decimals from Whole Numbers
When subtracting decimals from whole numbers, it’s important to align the decimal points before beginning the subtraction. This can be done by adding zeros to the end of the whole number to make it a decimal. For example, to subtract 2.3 from 10, you would write it as 10.0.
Next, subtract the decimal as if it were a whole number. For example, 10.0 – 2.3 = 7.7. Remember to keep the decimal point in the same position as the original problem.
If the decimal being subtracted has more decimal places than the whole number, it’s important to add zeros to the end of the whole number until the decimals have the same number of places. For example, to subtract 0.25 from 5, you would write it as 5.00.
Once the decimals have the same number of places, align the decimal points and subtract as before. In this case, 5.00 – 0.25 = 4.75.
It’s also important to note that when subtracting decimals from whole numbers, the answer will always be a decimal. If the answer is a whole number, it’s likely that the problem was done incorrectly.
In summary, when subtracting decimals from whole numbers, remember to align the decimal points, add zeros if necessary, and subtract the decimals as if they were whole numbers.
Subtracting Decimals Word Problems
Subtracting decimals can be a bit tricky for some students, but it is an essential skill for daily life. Word problems on decimal subtraction can be a great way to help students learn how to solve real-life problems involving decimals.
These types of problems can be found in a variety of settings, such as shopping, cooking, or budgeting. For example, a problem might ask how much money someone has left after spending a certain amount on groceries. Or, a problem might ask how much longer it will take to cook a dish if the cooking time needs to be reduced by a certain amount.
Subtracting decimals word problems can be solved using a few key steps. First, students should read the problem carefully to make sure they understand what is being asked. Then, they should identify the numbers involved and decide which operation to use. After that, they can solve the problem using the standard method for subtracting decimals.
It’s important for students to practice solving a variety of word problems to become comfortable with the process. Worksheets and online resources are available to provide students with ample practice opportunities. Additionally, teachers can create their own word problems to ensure that students are practicing with problems that are relevant to their lives.
In summary, subtracting decimals word problems can be a valuable tool for helping students learn how to solve real-life problems involving decimals. By practicing with a variety of problems and using the standard method for subtracting decimals, students can gain confidence and proficiency in this important skill.
Subtracting Decimals Examples
Subtracting decimals involves aligning the decimal points and subtracting the digits in each column. Here are some examples to help illustrate the process.
Example 1:
Subtract 0.56 from 1.23.
1.23 |
0.56 |
0.67 |
The decimal point is already aligned in this example, so the digits can be subtracted directly. Starting from the right, 6 minus 3 is 3, 5 minus 5 is 0, and 1 minus 2 is -1. Since the last digit is negative, we need to borrow from the 2 in the tens place, making it 1. The answer is 0.67.
Example 2:
Subtract 3.14 from 5.
5.00 |
3.14 |
1.86 |
In this example, we need to add a zero to the end of 3.14 to make it a two-decimal number. The decimal points are then aligned, and the digits can be subtracted. Starting from the right, 4 minus 0 is 4, 1 minus 1 is 0, and 5 minus 3 is 2. The answer is 1.86.
Example 3:
Subtract 0.75 from 1.
1.00 |
0.75 |
0.25 |
In this example, we need to add a zero to the end of 0.75 to make it a two-decimal number. The decimal points are then aligned, and the digits can be subtracted. Starting from the right, 5 minus 5 is 0, 7 minus 7 is 0, and 1 minus 0 is 1. The answer is 0.25.
Subtracting decimals can be tricky, but with practice, it becomes easier. Remember to align the decimal points and borrow from the next column when necessary.
5 Quick Subtracting Decimals Practice Problems
Subtracting Decimals Real World Problems
Subtracting decimals is a crucial mathematical skill that is required in many real-world situations. Here are some examples of how subtracting decimals can be used in everyday life.
Subtracting decimals is essential when dealing with money. For example, if someone has a budget of $500 for the month and they spend $43.21 on groceries, $56.78 on gas, and $23.45 on entertainment, they need to subtract these amounts from their budget to see how much they have left. The calculation would look like this:
Therefore, they have $376.56 left in their budget for the month.
Subtracting decimals is also necessary when working with measurements. For instance, if someone is a carpenter and they need to cut a piece of wood that is 3.75 feet long into two pieces, one that is 1.25 feet long and the other that is the remaining length, they need to subtract 1.25 from 3.75 to determine the length of the second piece. The calculation would look like this:
Therefore, the second piece of wood would be 2.50 feet long.
Subtracting decimals is also useful when dealing with temperature. For example, if someone wants to know the temperature difference between two days, they need to subtract the temperature on one day from the temperature on the other day. If the temperature on Monday was 75.6°F and the temperature on Tuesday was 68.4°F, the temperature difference would be:
Therefore, the temperature on Tuesday was 7.2°F cooler than the temperature on Monday.
In conclusion, subtracting decimals is an essential skill that is required in many real-world situations. Whether it is dealing with money, measurements, or temperature, knowing how to subtract decimals accurately can make a significant difference in everyday life.
How to Subtract Decimals FAQ
How do you subtract decimals?
Subtracting decimals involves lining up the decimal points and then subtracting the digits in each place value. If one number has fewer digits after the decimal point, add zeros to the end of that number until they both have the same number of digits. Then, subtract the digits in each place value, starting with the ones place and moving to the right.
What is the rule for subtracting decimals?
The rule for subtracting decimals is to line up the decimal points and then subtract the digits in each place value. Remember to add zeros to the end of a number if it has fewer digits after the decimal point than the other number.
How do you add and subtract decimals step by step?
To add and subtract decimals step by step, follow these steps:
- Line up the decimal points.
- Add or subtract the digits in each place value, starting with the ones place and moving to the right.
- If one number has fewer digits after the decimal point, add zeros to the end of that number until they both have the same number of digits.
- Write the answer with the decimal point in the same place as the original numbers.
How do you subtract a larger decimal from a smaller decimal?
To subtract a larger decimal from a smaller decimal, subtract the smaller decimal from the larger decimal and then put a negative sign in front of the answer. For example, to subtract 3.2 from 4.7, you would subtract 3.2 from 4.7 to get 1.5, and then put a negative sign in front of the answer to get -1.5.
How do you subtract decimals from whole numbers?
To subtract decimals from whole numbers, first convert the whole number to a decimal by adding a decimal point and a zero to the end of the number. Then, follow the steps for subtracting decimals as usual.
Subtracting Decimals Worksheet Video Explanation
Watch our free video on how to Subtract Decimal Numbers. This video shows how to solve problems that are on our free Subtract Decimals worksheet that you can get by submitting your email above.
Watch the free Subtracting Decimals video on YouTube here: How to Subtract Decimals Video
Video Transcript:
This video is about how do you subtract decimals. You can get the subtraction of decimals worksheet used in this video for free by clicking on the link in the description below. Subtracting decimals is the process of subtracting one decimal from another decimal. In order to subtract decimals, you must take one of the decimals and place it above the other decimal and align the columns vertically. When you do this, you must make sure that the decimal points are aligned. If I were to rewrite 9.75 minus 4.93, I would have to align the 9 and the 4 so that leading number the decimals have to be aligned. Tenths column and the hundredths column also have to be aligned. The decimal points your answer will carry straight down. If the decimal is here it will also be located in the same spot in your answer. Now that everything is aligned you will perform regular column subtraction to get your solution. We’re going to do 5 minus 3 which is 2 and then 7 minus 9. In order to do that you have to borrow from the 9. We’re going to make this 9 and 8 and then make the 7 a 17. Now we’re going to do 17 minus 9 which is 8 and then finally we’re going to do 8 minus 4 which is 4. And now that we’ve subtracted you can see the decimal is already located in the answer. Now I know our solution is 4.82 for this decimal subtraction problem. Let’s do a couple practice problems from our subtracting decimals worksheet.
The first problem we’re going to complete on our subtracting decimals worksheet 6th grade is number one. This problem gives us 7.2 minus 3.1. I know the first part of subtracting decimals is to line them up vertically. I’m going to line up 7.2 minus 3.1. Now I have to make sure the decimals are aligned and I can take the decimal point and move it straight down to where answer is going to go. Then I can perform regular co regular column subtraction. I’m going to do 2 minus 1 which is 1 and then 7 minus 3 which is 4. I know that solution to 7.2 minus 3.1 is going to be 4.1.
The next problem we’re going to complete on our subtracting decimals worksheet is number six. This problem gives us 6.4 minus 2.05. Again, in order to subtract we’re going to align the numbers vertically. 6.4 minus 2.05, you may notice that we’re missing a number here. Anytime you have a missing number in your columns you’re going to add a zero. Now it’s 6.40 minus 2.05. Make sure you bring your decimal point straight down for your answer. Then we’re going to go ahead and subtract through column subtraction. Zero minus five, you can’t do because zero is smaller than five so we have to borrow from the number next to it. this four becomes a three and then the zero becomes a ten. Now we can subtract ten minus five which is five and then we’re going to move on to the next column. 3 minus 0 is 3 and then 6 minus 2 is 4. Our solution to this subtracting decimal problem is 4.35.
The last problem that we’re going to complete on our subtracting decimals worksheet is number seven. This problem gives us 7.08 minus 1.5. Again, we need to take our numbers and align them vertically. 7.08 minus 1.5. Now again we take the decimal point we move it straight down to our answer. We are also missing a number for our column subtraction. I’m going to add a zero into that missing spot and now we can subtract using column subtraction. Eight minus zero is eight, zero minus five you can’t do so we have to borrow from the seven. Now the seven becomes a six the zero becomes a ten. Now we can do ten minus five which is five and then six minus one which is also five. The solution to this subtracting decimals example is five 5.58. Hopefully this video was helpful for teaching you how to subtract decimals. Try all the practice problems by downloading the free subtracting decimals worksheets above.
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